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Spring is officially here!
Lighter nights, less mud, warmer weather, spring grass…what’s not to love.
However, this time of year brings back ‘spring fever’ season, where our ponies become spicier than ever.
Whilst having a more energetic horse can be a benefit, the increase of energy can lead to reactive and anxious behaviours.
One of the main causes of this is the spring grass.
Spring grass is very lush and thick, so its sugar content is very high; this is what makes it delicious and attractive for our horses.

The highest concentration of sugar in spring grass is found near the base of the plant, which causes high bursts of energy.
But what can you do to manage your horses spring grass intake, without stopping their field time entirely?
One of the best ways to do this is to establish a spring routine, with a mixture of stable and field time.
Many people will turn their horses out at night, to reduce their risk of spring fever whilst the sun is away. As the grass cannot photosynthesise throughout the night.
easibed dust free equine bedding is a great choice of bedding to use this time of year, due to its free draining qualities you will waste less bedding when mucking out.
Saving you both time and money that you can spend with your horse.
To learn more about spring fever, check out Your Horse magazine’s post:
To see more from easibed, check out our easiblog: