Team Sweet – Time to Smile

31st March 2023

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Time to smile.  

Chocolate had his routine visit from the Vet as his routine dental check and vaccinations were due.

Chocolate is a good boy when it comes to needles but as soon as the gag comes out to check his teeth, it’s game over – after knowing this horse for so long I made the decision some time ago to have him sedated when it comes to his routine dental health check and rasp.

Dental Check

As Chocolate is now 21 it is important to have his teeth checked regularly, as when horses age they are at a greater risk of developing problems with their teeth and gums. There is also the added issue that horse’s teeth start to wear out which means chewing can become less efficient, which can lead to weight loss and many other issues.

Chocolate during his dental work – time to smile
Inside Chocolates mouth – time to smile

Good news though for Chocolate, apart from a few sharp points that needed rasping down all was good this time.


Chocolate was due for Flu and Tetenus vaccinations this time

Flu vaccination – protect your horse from catching equine influenza which affects the respiratory system and causes a fever, runny nose and coughing. Vaccination is recommended every 6 months.

Tetanus vaccination – protect your horse from spores of bacteria that are found in soil that can enter your horses tissues via wounds. Tetanas can be fatal to horses. After the initial primary course of the vaccination being completed – boosters are recommended every 2 years.

Following his vaccinations and being sedated for his teeth check – Chocolate had a lazy afternoon out in the field.

Post dental work – time to smile

To find out more about vaccinations and routine health checks feel free to visit –

#dentalcare #vaccinations #besafe #teamsweet #supportive #easibed #Chocolate #flu #tetanus

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